Home of quality mini donkeys and Dexter cattle
Rolling "D" Farm sits on a picturesque 30 acres in SW Missouri. We were fortunate enough that when we decided to down size from a 150 acre farm, we found one perfect for us. We have plenty of open pasture and some trees for shade and cover. We moved here with 8 horses, however interest in our large equine dwindled following a serious horse accident. There has always a place in our hearts for long ears, so we purchased our first 2 donkeys in May of 2013. They have become addictive and we now own a small herd. We are dedicated to learning as much as we can and producing a healthy, conformationally correct foal that is well socialized.
Our interest in smaller stock has also turned to cattle where we have built a small herd of ADCA registered Dexter cattle. They are well suited to our small acreage and their docile temperament is greatly appreciated as we begin to slow down. Dexters are well known for being a dual purpose cattle excelling in both beef quality and as milk cows. Our program is focused mainly on beef but we pay close attention to udder structure and growth of our calves.
At Rolling "D" we love our donkeys for the wonderful creatures they are. Careful selection of Pedigrees ensures that our donkeys are healthy, intelligent, and conform to breed standards.